
How i gained 100lbs in 6 months

A few years ago, when I was 21, I moved to a new city and started living on my own for the first time. For the first time I was free to be me without judgement and without anyone to report to. I quickly made a plan and within 6 months I went from 165lbs to 265lbs.

I became an Uber driver and, for the first time in my life, found myself with a sedentary job and more disposable income than I’d ever had before. This combination led me to frequent drive-thrus more than I care to admit, and over the next several months, my waistline expanded significantly. The same workers at the same fast food joints saw me regularly, and they bore witness to my gradual transformation.

A couple of notable things happened during this period.that were incredibly hot.

One of my only friends was a much older man who enjoyed my fattening body. I never did anything for food but he would invite me over and would have these very unrealistic expectations for me to gain and would reward me with food. The erotic part of that is he would also have me come into his work where he was the boss and his secretary and staff got to witness and question why this young boy was rapidly gaining weight.

Because my weight was increasing so rapidly, I didn’t keep up with buying new clothes. About halfway through my journey, I locked myself out of my apartment while doing laundry. My landlord had to unlock the door for me, and I was standing there in a shirt that was practically see-through, with my belly and moobs on full display. He gasped and chuckled when he saw me—understandable considering that just a few months earlier, I was a skinny guy. The change must have been shocking.

Another memorable moment was when some Uber passengers, who had apparently ridden with me before, did a double take when they saw me. They’d look at my profile picture in the app—where I was still the skinny twink—and then back at me, clearly confused. One time, I even had a passenger who turned out to be a feeder. He was amazed at how much I’d gained and asked me a ton of questions. At one point, he grabbed my belly and encouraged me to keep going, even though I hadn’t outright said what I was doing.

Every evening, I’d stop by the corner store to grab some candy before heading home with fast food in hand. The shop’s owner started looking more and more disappointed in me as time went on.

I also visited my old workplace, where I used to work before becoming an Uber driver. The reactions from my former coworkers were priceless—looks of shock, some offers to work out together, all without me asking. The rapid weight gain had a noticeable impact on my mobility, and I found myself getting winded more and more easily.

One night driving I took a McDonald’s store manger to and from the hospital after she cut her hand open. It was late at night and when I dropped her off she gave me a present without me asking, which was about 4000 calories of burgers and nuggets and told me to enjoy “big boy”

Finally, when I went back home to visit my father after a long time away, his reaction was... interesting. He made me eat a ton of food while I was there—so much that I started questioning his motives. He even bought me bigger sweatpants and had me weigh myself multiple times, looking at me like I was some kind of prize-winning hog.

**How I Did It:**

It all comes down to calories in versus calories out. I tracked my calories every day and made sure I consumed at least 4,500 calories daily. All of these gains were new growth—none of it was regaining lost weight. One thing I learned is that you might think you’ve eaten a lot during the day, but if you’re not tracking, you might actually be a few hundred calories short. If you let that slide, you won’t see the full potential of your gains.

Anyway, this post is my reintroduction to the gaining community after a seven-year break. I’m excited to see where this journey takes me next, especially with the support of the community around me.

I have photos and will upload my before and after on my profile smiley
4 months